Enterprise, AL–Barry Moore, AL-2 Republican congressional nominee, expressed his confidence in President Trump’s leadership following a Presidential press conference Monday afternoon.
Citing the recent upward trend in the stock market, economic numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics July report, and a rise in homebuilder’s confidence, the President asserted that “the Stock market rebound signals a V-shaped recovery” and “We have the strongest performing economy in the world”. President Trump also noted that the U.S. economy was also performing significantly better than Europe. “We had to turn the economy off and now we’re turning it back on,” the President said.
The President criticized the Democrats, especially House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, for wanting “radical left agenda items” and “ridiculous things that have nothing at all to do with the China virus” in the most recent relief bill, which is currently stalled in Congress. President Trump used Democratic demands for $3.5 billion dollars for universal mail-in voting, which the President described as setting up “the greatest rigged election in history”, as just one example of Democratic obstruction. He also accused Democrats of holding up money for schools, state and local governments, and extending unemployment benefits and the moratorium on evictions, which President Trump said is what prompted him to sign a series of executive orders on Saturday addressing these issues.
The President touted his executive order instituting a payroll tax holiday through the end of the year and stated that when he was elected to a second term he intended to forgive these deferred payroll taxes without hurting Social Security, using monies from the General Fund. He repeated his intention to protect Social Security, Medicaid, and pre-existing conditions, saying “we’re going to protect our people”.
Moore said in a statement:
“President Trump continues to show strong leadership during this crisis, and the most recent round of economic numbers shows this. I’m pleased that he’s taking action to continue providing the relief Americans so desperately need with his executive orders while the Democrats in both the House and Senate are blocking this relief for their own political gain.
“I was especially pleased to hear the President speak out so strongly in favor of school choice and ‘paying the student’, so that parents and students could be free to find the best education opportunities, whether that’s a public, private or a charter school. President Trump and I both agree that the child should come first, and school choice is a strong part of that. The President wants us to reopen our schools safely, as I do, because sitting at home playing on the computer is not the same as being in school.
“My hope is that, with the President’s continued leadership, we can continue to reopen our country and our economy, and I look forward to working on our complete recovery when I’m elected to Congress to represent District 2.”
Barry Moore is the Republican nominee for Congress in AL-2 in the general election to be held on November 3rd. He is a small businessman, veteran, husband, and father of four from Enterprise.
For more information: or on Facebook @BarryMooreforCongress.
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Jonathan Barbee,